In addition to helping conceal the abdominoplasty scar, there is another advantage to the “French design” incision. A basic principle of wound closure is that the vectors (direction) of tension (tightness) on the tissue are perpendicular to the incision site. The conventional abdominoplasty incision design has the primary tension in a vertical direction (up and down when in the standing position). The vertical vector of tension facilitates the removal of skin in the vertical direction. The image below illustrates excess skin in the vertical direction (too much skin between the ribs and the “bikini line”).
The conventional abdominoplasty incision design facilitates the removal of excess skin in the vertical direction. The image below illustrates the primary vectors of the conventional abdominoplasty incision design. The tension is primarily in a direction between the ribs and the “bikini line.”
Many patients seeking abdominoplasty also have excess skin in the horizontal direction. The image below illustrates excess skin in the horizontal direction. The excess skin is in a side-to-side direction.
Another advantage of the French design is the additional horizontal vector of tension. This facilitates the removal of excess skin in the horizontal direction which can help improve horizontal laxity and the “hourglass shape” during abdominoplasty. The arrows demonstrate the multiple directions of tension with the French design.
When the conventional abdominoplasty design is used, removal of excess horizontal skin sometimes requires a vertical incision. A vertical incision can be avoided in some patients by using the French design. The image below illustrates the conventional incision design plus a vertical incision. The vertical incision is rarely needed when the French design is used.
Many incision designs have been utilized for abdominoplasty. The design chosen for the tummy tuck procedure is based on the individual’s anatomy and the preference of the patient. A detailed discussion of options and variations of abdominoplasty incisions is explained during the in-person consultation. All questions regarding the abdominoplasty incisions are answered at the in-person consultation as well.
If you would like to learn more about abdominoplasty or other body contouring procedures, like liposuction, we invite you to contact Herring Plastic Surgery. Whether you live in the Fayetteville community or out of town, our team welcomes you to our practice and is happy to assist you in scheduling an appointment with Dr. Herring.
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